
* Financial information before division: Division date October 1, 23
  • Sales

    In million KRW

  • Operating Income

    In million KRW

  • Profit before Taxes

    In million KRW

  • Profit

    In million KRW

Consolidated Statement of
Comprehensive Income

In million KRW

Item 13th Term 14th Term 15th Term
Year 2020 Year 2021 Year 2022
Sales 52,654 87,518 161,220
Operating Income 808 5,040 5,552
Profit before Taxes 4,154 6,886 64,901
Profit 3,166 6,992 64,896

Abstract of consolidated
Statement of Financial Position

In million KRW

Item 13th Term 14th Term 15th Term
Year 2020 Year 2021 Year 2022
Current Assets 21,369 23,116 64,757
Operating Income 28,924 46,836 140,381
Total Assets 50,293 69,953 205,138
Current Liabilities 20,614 42,859 59,246
Non-current Liabilities 14,940 5,337 11,003
Total Liabilities 35,554 48,197 70,249
Equity Attributable to Owners of the Parent 14,739 21,755 85,787
Issued Capital 2,344 2,344 2,344
Retained Earnings 12,488 19,476 83,540
Non-controlling Interests 0 0 49,101
Total Equity 14,739 21,755 134,888